Tips For Strengthening Your Core With Orthopedic Support

7 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Your back is the core that supports your entire body, so it does a lot of work. It regulates your body movement, which makes it an important part of your body's structure. Because of its role, any back injuries or strain you suffer can interfere with your daily activities. As a result, you should think about working with an orthopedic specialist to preserve your back muscles and condition. Here are a few exercises you can do on a regular basis to help preserve your back muscles and minimize the risk of injury.

Strengthening Exercises

The sooner you start working to build strength in those muscles, the better off your chances are of avoiding injury. Your orthopedic specialist will help you with a series of exercises that you can do to strengthen those muscles and protect your back. Incidentally, those same exercises are often recommended to help with rehabilitation after an injury. Here are some of the things you might be instructed to try.

  • Core Exercise - The abdominal muscles are essential for supporting your back and spine. Spend some time adding exercises that focus on your core so that you can add support along your spine and the rest of your back. Weight training and aerobics are good for this.
  • Pilates - Pilates includes stretching movements that can help you to protect your spine and preserve its alignment. One of the things that Pilates does well is to focus on your postural muscle set. The stronger those muscles are, the better your posture will be and the better protected your core muscles will be.
  • Yoga - Yoga is a key component of building flexibility, toning and muscle strength. You'll also learn breathing routines that will help you with relaxation and easing stress. If you are dealing with any kind of injury, yoga's necessary focus can help you to moderate the pain from that injury as you work to rebuild the affected muscles in a low-impact way.
  • Hamstring Flexibility - Tight hamstrings can affect your posture and your range of motion. It can also hinder your gait, which can cause strain on your back muscles. Incorporating a series of hamstring stretches into your routine will help you to protect that flexibility. Rest flat on your back on the floor, then grasp your leg near the ankle and pull it toward your head. Hold the leg in place for a few seconds to stretch the hamstring, then release and return it to the floor. Do this several times per leg.

When you're worried about the risk of a back injury or straining your back muscles, these exercises are a good place to start. Talk with a specialist in orthopedics today to help you with these and other beneficial exercises.